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Domain 2 | Competency

The teacher knows how to establish a classroom climate that fosters learning, equity, and excellence and uses this knowledge to create a physical and emotional environment that is safe and productive.


         As an art educator, I strive to emulate those teachers who were positive role models in my life. I want my students to feel welcome, accomplished and empowered at the end of every lesson. As a teacher, I want to foster an atmosphere that will encourage students to explore their intrinsic artistic abilities in a safe learning environment.  Students will establish and expand upon core subject areas in art and design, while developing their own individual interests and abilities. I draw my motivation to teach from the joy I get helping children explore their own interests, and delight in nurturing students’ potential. Ultimately, art can not only inspire children and stimulate their creativity but provide a healthy outlet for them to express themselves.


Teaching Philosophy

Designing a Creative Environment


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