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Overview:   The goal of this lesson plan is to show the kindergarteners the life cycle of a butterfly as well as investigate how to create secondary colors. By observing the life cycle of a live caterpillar and the reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar the students will explore science and art at the same time. This lesson will show them that although they are always changing and growing they can do amazing things just like the caterpillars. 


Objectives:  The objectives of this lesson is to teach the students the life cycle of a caterpillar, how to mix colors and also how to create textures using a brush. They learn how to rearrange shapes in a space to create a caterpillar. The students will relate their art to the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The students will express their ideas in a student/teacher informal critique while hanging their work.


TEKS: 117.2 Art, Grade K

-In this lesson, the student will identify colors, textures, forms, and subjects in the environment. (K.1) (B)

-In this lesson, the student will arrange forms intuitively to create artworks. (K.2) (B)

-In this lesson, the student will relate art to everyday life. (K.3) (C)

-In this lesson, the student will express ideas about personal artworks. (K.4) (A)



In front of room:

  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle

  • Example of Art work in Stages

  • Live caterpillars in 2 stages one in cocoon and one as a caterpillar ( or images of caterpillars within stages of development)

At each student’s desk:

  • Heavy paper

  • Paintbrush

  • Water

  • Watercolor  

  • Palette

  • Markers

On teacher supply table:

  • Extra paper

  • Paint

  • Example of art pieces



  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

  • Example of art work

  • Caterpillars (or images of Caterpillars)

  • Example of color mixing



Week 1

Day 1

  1. Motivation: The teacher will read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle to the students, after you are done with that explain to the students that you have 2 live caterpillars in different stages of their life cycle.  Teach the students about the caterpillar’s life cycle by playing a video and showing the students the images of the caterpillar’s life cycle. Have the students come up by table groups and see the caterpillars and have the students vote to see what part of the life cycle the caterpillars are in. The teacher will explain that the students will be creating their own caterpillars by mixing paint and painting on a piece of paper. Tell the students that they will accomplish this by tracing five circles onto their paper, cutting them out, pasting it on their paper in their own way to create a caterpillar.

  2.  The students will write their names on the back of their papers.

  3. The students will trace various sizes of cups to create the body of their caterpillar.

  4. The teacher will instruct the students will place their work into their class portfolio and leave art for the day.

Day 2

  1. The teacher will explain to the students that they will be painting the body of their caterpillar today.

  2. The teacher will ask the students if they know which two primary colors make the color green.

  3. The teacher will show the students on a color wheel which two colors make green.

  4.  The teacher will show the students how to clean their brushes.

  5. The teacher will show the students how to mixing primary colors to create a secondary color, turquoise blue and yellow to green.

  6. The teacher will ask the students if they know what a tint and a shade are.

  7. The teacher will show the students how to mix green with white to create a tint and how to mix green and black to make a shade.

  8. The teacher will tell the students that they need to use four types of green, an original green, tint, shade and their favorite type of green which can not be one of the three already listed.

  9. The students will start mixing their colors and painting the circle on their paper.

  10. The teacher will walk around the room and help the students when they need help.

  11. The students will place their papers in the drying rack for the next day.

Week 2

Day 3

  1. The teacher will place all of the students who did not finish painting at one table to complete their paintings.

  2. The teacher will explain that the students are now going to create a background for their caterpillars.

  3. The teacher will pass out background paper.

  4. The students will write down their names on the back of their background paper.

  5. The students will cut out their circles that will create their caterpillar backgrounds.

  6. The teacher will observe around the classroom and see if the students need any help.

  7. The students will place their circles on the page and use glue sticks.

  8. The students will place their work in their classes’ portfolio.

Day 4

  1. The teacher will have the students get their work out of the portfolio and gather the markers or other supplies that they wish to use in the background of their paper.

  2. The teacher will explain to the students that they will now trace a smaller circle onto a red piece of paper to use as the caterpillars head.

  3. The teacher will walk around the room as see if the students need any help on their project.

  4. The students will cut out the red head on their paper

  5. The students will then paste it on the paper

  6. The students will put their paper in the folder.

Week 3

Day 5

  1. The student will draw features on their caterpillars with markers.

  2.  The students will decorate the background paper with leaves and branches, however they want.

  3. The teacher will walk around and see if the students need any help.

  4. Closure : The students will once they are finished help hang their work in the hallway and give the students pride in their work.

  5. Closure: The students will see the new butterflies emerging from their cocoons.

  6. Closure: The students will review the caterpillar’s life cycle, how to make the color green as well as what tint and shades of a color are


Extension: The students will free draw what their caterpillars will look like once they are out of their cocoon.


Students with Special Needs


                     The teacher will provide instruction in multiple formats. The teacher will provide adaptive materials and equipment that best suits the child's IEP. 




            The teacher will ask:

            What colors mixed together make green?

            What do caterpillars turn into after they make their cocoon?

            What do caterpillars eat?


            Mixed green by using yellow and blue

            Cut out circles to create the body and head

            Create a habitat around the caterpillar


Works Cited

Amateur Entomologists' Society. (n.d.). Rearing caterpillars. Retrieved from Amateur Entomologists' Society:


Carle, E. (1969). The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Putnam/Philomel .

Elementary Lesson Plan 

 The Very Hungry Caterpillar- Kindgarten

Domain 1 | Competency  
The teacher understands procedures for designing effective and coherent instruction and assessment based on appropriate learning goals and objectives.

Student Work from South Hi Mount Elementary

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